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as he told <us>, trembling from fear, and bowed down toward the ground
without uttering a single word. He swore <to us>, calling upon God as the
witness of his words, that when he saw that she was prolonging her prayers,
he raised his head up a bit from the ground and saw her elevated about one
cubit above the earth, hanging in the air and praying in this way. When he saw
this, he was even more terrified and in great torment, not daring to utter a
word, except to repeat to himself for a long time, “Lord, have mercy.” While
he was lying on the ground, [col. 3709] the monk was tormented by the
thought that perhaps she was a demonic spirit who was <only> pretending to
pray. But the woman turned toward him, and raised up the monk, saying,
“Why, O father, do these thoughts about me disturb and torment you, that I
am a demonic spirit and that I pretend to pray? Be assured, my good man,
that I am a sinful woman, but I am protected by holy baptism. I am not a
spirit, but altogether earth and ashes43 and flesh,” meaning that she was in no
way a spirit. While she was speaking, she made the sign of the cross on her
forehead, eyes, lips, and breast, saying thus, “Let God lead us away from the
devil and his snares, Father Zosimas, for his power against us is great.”
16. When the monk heard those words and saw those gestures [i.e., the
sign of the cross], he threw himself on the ground and clasped her feet, saying
tearfully, “I implore you in the name of Christ our God, Who was born of the
Virgin, for Whose sake you wear this nakedness, for Whose sake you have
worn out this flesh of yours in this way, do not conceal anything from your
servant, who you are and where you came from and when and in what way
you came to dwell in this desert. Do not conceal from me any detail of your
life, but tell me everything so that you may make manifest the wonders of
God. For, as it has been written, Wisdom that is hid and treasure that is hoarded
up, what profit is in them both?44 Tell me everything in the name of the Lord,
for you shall speak not to boast or show off, but to give assurance to me, a
sinful and unworthy man. For I believe that God, in Whom you live and serve,
led me into this desert for this reason, so that the Lord might make your life
manifest. For it is not in our power to oppose God’s judgments. Indeed, if it
were not pleasing to Christ, our God, that you and your struggles become
known, He would not have permitted anyone to lay eyes on you, nor would
He have given the strength to accomplish such a long journey to me who never
intended to or was able to leave my cell.”
43 Gen. 18:27; cf. Sir. 17:32.
44 Sir. 20:30.