Anderson, Peter J. (2015). Seneca: selected dialogues and consolations. Indianapolis;Cambridge, Hackett Publishing Company, Inc. - 해제 및 자료 원본
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Anderson, Peter J. (2015). Seneca: selected dialogues and consolations. Indianapolis;Cambridge, Hackett Publishing Company, Inc. - 해제 및 자료 원본

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 이 논문은 피터 J. 앤더슨(Peter J. Anderson)이 선별한 세네카의 대화와 위로의 내용을 소개하며, 세네카의 삶에 대한 소개, 세네카의 철학적 글쓰기에 대한 문학적 질, 세네카와 스토아주의 사이의 상호작용, 그리고 세네카의 작품을 번역한 부분 등을 다룹니다. 앤더슨은 세네카의 작품들을 영어로 번역하면서 중요한 주제들을 설명하고, 세네카의 철학적 이론을 이해하는 데 도움이 되는 정보를 제공하는데요! 라틴어 문학과 스토아 주의에 관심이 있는 학생들과 교사들에게 유용합니다.

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Aldo Dinucci - Universidade Federal de Sergipe (Brasil)  
Anderson, Peter J. (2015).  
Seneca: selected dialogues  
and consolations. Indian-  
apolis; Cambridge, Hackett  
Publishing Company, Inc.  
nº 21, sep.-dec. 2017  
DINUCCI, A. (2017). Review: Anderson, Peter J. (2015). Seneca:  
selected dialogues and consolations. Indianapolis; Cambridge, Hackett  
Publishing Company, Inc. Archai nº21, sep.-dec., p. 337-340  
This volume presents a selection of Seneca’s dia-  
logues and consolations. It is composed of introduc-  
tion, the translations of selected Senecas dialogues  
and consolations, biographical information of key  
individuals, glossary of Latin words, and index of  
historical persons. The five parts of the book are  
thus briefly described and evaluated below.  
The Introduction is divided into eleven sub-  
sections. In the first sub-section, Anderson presents  
a well-written account of Seneca’s life (p. xi- xiii).  
Concerning the philosophers exile after his im-  
plication in an adulterous affair with Julia Livilla,  
Anderson points out that almost all ancient sources  
consider Seneca not guilty. A weak point in this  
argument is that Anderson does not mention the  
referred primary historical sources, which would  
be useful to the reader.  
he next sub-section deals with the literary quali-  
ties of Seneca’s philosophical writings. Anderson  
correctly points out that literary form and philosophy  
are, in Seneca, two sides of the same coin, noting  
that, through these writings, Seneca is simultane-  
ously aiming at showing literary excellence and at  
philosophically persuading the reader.  
nº 21, sep.-dec. 2017  
In the third sub-section (A note on the transla-  
tions”), Anderson discusses the diiculties to render  
Seneca’s dialogues in English. In order to achieve this,  
the translator – based on Lindsays Oxford classical  
text – tries to replicate Seneca’s prose, consistently  
rendering the following six key words: animus as  
“spirit, mens as “mind, virtus as “virtue, otium as  
“retirement, bonum as “good” and malum as “bad.  
Aldo Dinucci: Ander-  
son, Peter J. (2015).  
Seneca: selected dia-  
logues and consolations,  
bridge, Hackett Pub-  
lishing Company, Inc.,  
p. 337-340  
The next sub-section examines the interplay be-  
tween Seneca and Stoicism. In the historical account  
of the Stoic school, however, Anderson does not  
mention Diogenes of Babylon. Some information  
about him should be provided, as he was the first  
Stoic philosopher in Rome, being sent to the Eternal  
City (together with the Academic Carneades and the  
Peripatetic Critolaus) in 155 BC to appeal a fine,  
and to deliver public lectures on Greek philosophy,  
which much impressed the Romans (cf. Aulus Gel-  
lius, Attic Nights, vii. 14; Cicero, Academica, ii. 45).  
After the historical account, Anderson makes  
two important assertions: in the first place, in  
Seneca’s time, Stoicism was a “holistic practice of a  
set of principles and belief ” (p. xviii), which is in  
marked contrast to the contemporary conception of  
philosophy; secondly, there are centuries of other  
philosophers’ reflections behind Seneca’s arguments.  
The next sub-sections present and clarify the  
following Stoic reflections and concepts that under-  
lie Seneca’s philosophical works: the concept of a  
providential and living god (p. xx), the celebrated  
expression “to live according nature, the idea that  
each person is responsible for her or his actions  
through the rational capacity and the use of impres-  
sions (phantasiai), the concept of oikeoisis (p. xxii),  
and the indifferents (adiaphora - p. xxiii).  
nº 21, sep.-dec. 2017  
Aldo Dinucci: Ander-  
son, Peter J. (2015).  
Seneca: selected dia-  
logues and consolations,  
In this latter sub-section, Anderson correctly notes  
that, for the Stoics, things as wealth (which was the  
same of Seneca’s case) and poverty are indiferent  
and, therefore, cannot guarantee happiness (p. xxiv),  
which is an important thing to note, as sometimes  
Seneca’s wealthy is regarded as inconsistent with  
his claims of being a Stoic. In fact, for the Stoics,  
wealthy can be used for the good or for the bad, as  
everything else which is indiferent.  
bridge, Hackett Pub-  
lishing Company, Inc.,  
p. 337-340  
The introduction ends with three informative  
sub-sections: the dating and the addresses of the  
dialogues and consolations, and a further reading  
Anderson translates the following Seneca’s works:  
“On providence, On the resolute nature of the wise  
man, Consolation to Marcia, On the happy life,  
“On retirement, On serenity of the spirit, On  
the shortness of life, Consolation to Polybius,  
“Consolation to his mother Helvia. The subtitles  
of these works are the original and correspondent  
ones in Latin. My only suggestion with regard to  
the translation of the titles is the rendering of De  
constantia sapientis as “On the resolute nature of  
the wise man, which would be better translated as  
“On the firmness of the wise man.  
Anderson’s translations of Seneca’s selected works  
are sound. Elucidative footnotes, mainly concerning  
individuals and historical facts mentioned by Sen-  
eca, are supplied. The book ends with biographical  
information for key individuals, a glossary of Latin  
words and an index of historical persons.  
nº 21, sep.-dec. 2017  
Aldo Dinucci: Ander-  
son, Peter J. (2015).  
Seneca: selected dia-  
logues and consolations,  
In summary, the book provides good transla-  
tions and plenty information concerning Seneca’s  
dialogues and consolations. Thus, it is an excellent  
tool for students and teachers of Latin literature and  
Stoic philosophy.  
bridge, Hackett Pub-  
lishing Company, Inc.,  
p. 337-340  
Submitted in November and accepted for publication  
in December, 2015