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본디, 개혁교회에서 조직신학은 반드시 신앙생활과 선교에 직결됩니다. 이점을 고려한 아주 좋은 내용입니다. 둘의 장단점을 '죄(sin)'라는 테마를 중심으로 다루는데, 평신도들에게 직접적으로 많은 도움이 됩니다.
* (논문작성시) 비슷한 방식으로 다른 개신교 신학자(본 회퍼 대신)를 비교연구를 하시길 추천합니다. 불행인지 다행인지 지금 한국개신교에 소개하면, 아주 좋을 것 같습니다.^^
* 이 논문은 목차만 업로드합니다.^^
INTRODUCTION.................................................. 1
Chapter 1 DIETRICH BONHOEFFER .............................. 8
I. The General Structure of Bonhoeffer's Model ......... 9
A. The Horizontal Dialectic ......................... 9
1. Ethics ......................................... 9
2. Letters and Papers from Prison ..............19
3. Earlier Works .................................. 22
4. Other Writers.................................. 25
B. The Vertical Dialectic ........................... 29
1. Ethics ......................................... 29
2. Creation and Fall .............................. 33
C. Summary ......................................... 37
II. Sin Within Bonhoeffer's Model ......................... 39
A. As Denial of Responsibility....................... 39
B. As the Unnatural or Organization ................ 49
C. Summary .............................................. 52
Endnotes....................................................... 54
Chapter 2 G.C. BERKOUWER .................................. 60
I. The General Structure of Berkouwer's Model ......... 61
A. Key Biblical Themes................................ 61
1. Creator/Creature Distinction ................ 61
2. Normativity.....................................64
B. Monarchianism.....................................68
1. General Revelation ......................... 68
2. Providence .................................. 89
3. Man: The Image of God .....................95
4. Other Writers ................................ 111
C. Summary.................................115
II. Sin Within Berkouwer's Model ....................... 117
A. As Misdirected Relationship to God ........... 117
1. Sin ............................................117
2. Other Works.................................. 121
B. Summary........................................... 127
Endnotes..................................................... 129
Chapter 3 COMPARISON AND EVALUATION.....................137
I. General Similarities ................................ 140
II. Evaluation of Bonhoeffer's Model .................. 149
A. Strengths ......................................... 149
B. Weaknesses ....................................... 152
III. Evaluation of Berkouwer's Model .....................158
A. Strengths......................................... 158
B. Weaknesses ....................................... 162
CONCLUSION.................................................. 171
BIBLIOGRAPHY................................................ 174
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